Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wave of Homesickness

I'm being enveloped by a wave of homesickness.

I miss Malaysian food and the roads that I've trodden often.

I miss my family and my room and my house and my dog.

I've always missed them but I don't really show it or perhaps, dislike showing it. I guess, all the foraging to find food to eat for lunch, money saving, trying to find new friends, getting used to the culture and to the place is slightly wearing me out.

The high of a new place and a new kind of atmosphere is dying and the weariness is slightly overwhelming.

On a brighter side, I'm starting to like my subjects. Southeast Asia is becoming more interesting as it's relatable. Economics is well... err economics? New Media is interesting when it comes to analysing it but the subject matter itself is tediously filled with technical stuff =( French is getting slightly better as I get used to people there and met kind people who are helping me (thank God) =) English Lit is of course, interesting as I meet people with interesting views.

On the darker side, it seems I have to decide either to major in Econs or NM (it's this NUS thing). Hard to explain haha. But we'll see.

Another positive note is the fact that everyone here are interesting, analytical and full of opinions. I really like it. I enjoy that the studies now are not really textbook answer base but its more of self-opinion and how you can support it. I'm not good at articulating my opinions into well-though answers yet, but prayerfully, God will guide me. Plus, since everyone is smart, there's not problem about group-mates who are irresponsible.

And, CCAs have started full on. Everyday my time is taken up. I'm happy though. If I hadn't join them, I'll never earn new skills nor meet other people. Plus, I'm terribly undisciplined, so probably won't study during all the free time. Since I have such a 'full' timetable, I have this urge to keep filling my time with studying (although shane dawson distracts me at times)

I must say, God is truly guiding me here from the first day. He introduced seniors who have been helpful and are tremendously kind. He guided me in incidences, like not getting the tutorial slot I'd originally wanted, but the current slot I have is way better for my schedule and I met the girl who would be my group mate (she's very nice and responsible!). He orchestrated people to reject my from the uni choir and acapella, from eusoff dance and drama cos he knows I'm unable to cope with my studies and so far, everything is just fine. I was rejected by EusoffWorks photograpy wing and got sent to design, lead me to find out what a noob designer I am and how there's so any things I can learn!!

I really thank God for his guidance. I know I sound all religious and all, but God and me is a relationship. He's very real in my life, and He loves me no matter how sinful I've been.

So even if I miss home, I'm glad I have a God that is always near with me. I can never understand how people could reject the chance to know him, but I guess it's because they don't see how God continuously works in their life!

I really thank God I've met nice people so far (besides the stalker incident) and still pray that I'll be better at time management and to do my best in everything. I'm hoping/praying/aiming for a good CAP this year!


Mei FOng! Jia you in work! Continue to bless the people around you, like how you've guided me too *hug*


Zew Mei Fong said...

Hey dear :))

Great to know that you're still trusting the Lord. Me too. Let's press on together aite? When you coming back for the holidays? Really hope to meet you up in person to catch up! I miss you!

Pa-no Renee said...

Love you lots dear :)